Lunar vibes in full effect...

My heart is in California, US. Cali called mon couer years ago, and when I finally visited in the flesh a couple of months back, it said, "Welcome home" and then took hold of it with some force. And to date, it hasn't let go. My body is sat here in London, UK. The lunar orb is currently in full effect and stirring my emotions to a heightened level. It is great to be an artist and to be at which I can channel my emotions into a productive outlet.

When I feel, I feel strongly. When I cry, I cry with my all. When I laugh, I cry and laugh from my belly. I am an au natrel, naturally high on life chica with no additives or enhancers. I have no excuse for my effervescent mentality except for the fact that I live. I live because I feel honoured to be here and know how different things could have been. I've been given a shot at an enlightened life and I will not take that for granted. When I live life, I live hard and to the fullest. When I sing, I swear its like astral projection takes place or something. I have no idea what happens but whatever does feels good; somehow with each show I have performed at and each country I have visited this year, all my feelings have been enhanced to the point where I feel as though everything is surreal. I am floating and ecstatic and joy filled. On a constant basis.

Tonight, it feels great to breathe in the cold, London air and stare at the lunar orb up above. I'll attempt to put my feelings into my music right now. I have been writing non-stop all my life but these days its another level; I am inspired by everything - infinite creation of composition maybe? Its good ish too, promise... Duty calls. Tunes to get down, strum out and sang... 'Tis like giving birth to joy.

All love, Bless

D xxx
